Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Hospital

I would have happily stayed in the hospital forever :)

 On our way to the hospital. Basically, I never took any prego photos. Bad time to start when you are in labor. I was too uncomfortable to bother getting ready. :(

I was very much half dead here

This was the reason for no FB photos. You see all those pics of lovely people in the hospital with their hair done and all-here is the reality. And this was actually the next day!

 The hospital put this little hat on his cone head :)

 I brought my everywear capelet to the hospital (that blue fuzzy blanket). I totally forgot until I saw these pics but I'm now recalling what a stellar move that was. I love that thing :)
 We should have kept with the binkie. Advice to all new parents: keep the binkie! And don't you love the blanket?!? Prince George has the same one. :) Thanks Lauren and Erika!

We have a huge family and were so lucky that so many of them were able to come visit us in the hospital! The hospital send me a card after and one nurse said we must be very loved if the constant stream of visitors was anything to go by :)

I was on lots of pain meds (and they super work on me!) so I could barely remember any of this so I'm glad we got pics of some visitors! Just FYI: O's Iphone camera appears to have a ding in it :( good thing he has a new phone!

 If you have a newborn baby I hope you know Elissa. She is not scared of them. She still gives me lots of advice!

 O was quite the host extrodinaire! He ran around fetching drinks and snacks for everyone. :)

 These two had a baby girl just 4 weeks later!

 And these two had a baby boy just 6 weeks later!

 O super loved this chicken broth. He even took a pic so he could order it online. :) It was probably the only thing I ate the whole time I was there.

Boo-I do not know where you and Ava are but I assume you were there somewhere :)

So tiny in his car seat! I'm sure we brought clothes for him but apparently we did not put them on.

On our way home

Just the sweetest :)

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